Saturday, July 13, 2013

Dennis Burton, Canadian Artist and Art Educator Extraordinaire

One of my mentors, artist Dennis Burton, passed away on Monday…his memorial takes place tonight in Vancouver.  I wish I could be there.

Recently, after pulling out some old notebooks, I’d realized how much he’d impacted my life and was in the midst of writing him a thank-you letter when I got the news. 

In those art journals – next to notes I’d scribbled down on art history, reincarnation, golden-mean relationships, the ten commandments translated into geometry, colour perception wave lengths and why storms are named after women (all according to Dennis Burton), was this doodle I’d done of him. 

A larger-than-life character, intense, passionate, aggravating, playful, innovative and astute, Dennis was a natural story-teller and gifted jazz musician, in addition to being an incredible artist and true pioneer in the Canadian art scene. 

I send heartfelt blessings across the miles to Diane, Maihyet, Varyn and extended family members.

RIP Dennis, your lifelong contribution as artist and educator have forever secured your place in art history.  Your integrity and presence on the planet certainly made a difference in my life...thank you. 

‘Dennis Doodle’ © 2013 Cathy Gazda, sketch with pen (done over 40 years ago). ♥

Written in the side margins, next to this doodle:
"If you don't discipline yourself, someone else will." – Dennis Burton

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Perigee Super-Moon

4:30 am.  A rural high-desert alarm clock…when you’re awakened by a herd of javelinas passing by the open window.  For those who’ve not had the pleasure, the uniquely ‘pungent’ odor of these wild collared peccaries could strip the paint off an old chair (*wink*). 

I went outside to see if these were our ‘regulars’, or a new bunch; however, it was the Perigee ‘Super-Moon’ setting in the west that kept me entranced. 

Reveling in the moment with a half-dozen bats who gracefully swooped and soared overhead, feasting on pre-dawn flying insects before bedding down for the day, I was reminded of how blessed we are to be in this peaceful place…sharing space with all of Nature.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Buddha Full Night

The first full moon in Taurus, known as the Wesak Moon, is considered sacred by many who believe the veil between Heaven and Earth becomes thinner at this time, bringing light, love and healing for all of humanity.  

So, when the pull of last night’s moon brought me to the window in morning’s wee hours -- immersed in the beauty of those potent rays -- I quietly gave thanks for blessings from all dimensions, known and unknown, believed and un-believed. 

It’s all a grand mystery; and, I can stay open to the possibility and joyously hold space for light, love and healing for all. 

Buddha Full Night”, © 2011 Cathy Gazda. ♥

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mule Deer (Ink Study)

Various deer and elk, who are indigenous to the area, regularly drop by. 

This petite mule deer was very shy and tried to hide behind the trunk of the cottonwood tree, while munching on some broom snakeweed (also known as rabbitbush) outside the studio window. 

Her black-tipped tail and over-sized ears (which some think resemble those of a mule) distinguished her from her cousins, the white-tailed deer, who sometimes grace us with a visit. 

She was quite interested in our cat, Frida, who watched quietly from the open window. 

Mule deer ‘chew their cud’ much like a cow, and this doe had an exaggerated ‘chew’, which I tried to capture. 

Mule Deer (Ink Study)”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, 4” x 4”, Pen and ink. ♥

Thursday, April 18, 2013

White-Crowned Sparrow (Ink Study)

The White-Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) is very prevalent in our area, particularly at this time of year. 

This afternoon we had close to 100 of them pecking the ground for millet and sunflower seeds that had been bypassed by the quails.  

Flitting in and out of the large manzanita bush, their sweet songs filled the air with fanciful and beautiful trills.  

Their tolerance towards other birds who joined them in search of food was quite impressive. Perhaps we, humans, could take a few lessons from them?  

White-Crowned Sparrow (Ink Study)”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, 4” x 4”, Pen and ink. ♥

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Toad Sketch

We’ve had a Woodhouse’s Toad (Bufo woodhousii) living on our property for at least 15 years.  They can live to 20 years, or more, in the wild…possibly longer. 

The size of my palm, with wrinkly brown/grey skin and looking somewhat prehistoric, s/he is very beneficial at keeping insect populations in check. 

Planning for a larger painting in this toad’s honor, I’ve been doing some sketches to work out the details. 

“Toad Sketch”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, 4” x 8”, Graphite. ♥

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Light One Candle

I awoke with the song ‘Light One Candle’ (written by Peter Yarrow, of Peter Paul & Mary fame) playing in my head – in particular this verse:
Light one candle for the strength that we need
To never become our own foe
And light one candle for those who are suffering
Pain we learned so long ago
Light one candle for all we believe in
That anger not tear us apart
And light one candle to find us together
With peace as the song in our hearts…”

After yesterday’s tragedy at the Boston Marathon, music has (once again) brought comfort and inspired today’s painting. 

“Light One Candle”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, 5” x 5”, Pastel. ♥

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dulcimer Of My Dreams

I love dulcimers – the sound, look, everything. 

I awoke this morning thinking about one I’d met back in the early 70s. 

On a trip through Kentucky, while stopping at a remote shop for directions, I encountered the most beautiful dulcimer I’d ever seen. 

Handmade by a woman (whose name I can’t remember) in a traditional Appalachian style, with a bird carved at the top/head, it was a true work of art. As she strummed, using the quill of a large feather, the pristine voice of this exquisite instrument resonated within every cell of my body.

The $80 price tag was an incredible deal (at a time when monthly rent for an entire farmhouse was that amount); however, sadly, out of my budget…yet, the spirit of the dulcimer stayed in my heart. 

Even now, this dulcimer visits me in dreams from time to time.

“Dulcimer of My Dreams”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, Watercolor (left) and Pencil Sketch Detail (right)…neither of which do justice to this artisan’s creation. ♥

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Can I Trust You?

Eight years ago, Frida chose (with the temptation of food) to enter our home and give up her freedom as a feral cat.
For the longest time, she wouldn’t make eye contact and I accepted our relationship on her terms. 
One morning, as I made my way to the kitchen to prepare her food, she greeted me with hesitant eye contact, tilting her head slightly, wrapping her tail protectively around her front paws…non-verbally asking ‘can I trust you?’ 
Years went by before she would allow me to touch her.  Now, she regularly cuddles with Paul and me, and sometimes sleeps curled up under my chin. 
Estimated to be 10 years old, we consider the day she entered our home to be her birthday…so ‘Happy Birthday, Frida!’  
Of all the gifts you’ve given me, the greatest is the lesson in trust. 
“Can I Trust You?”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, 12” x 5.5”, Acrylic on wood. ♥

Monday, April 8, 2013

Musical Instrument Museum (MIM)

With the surrounding desert in full bloom, we spent yesterday at the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) in Phoenix…absolutely fascinating, and we only scratched the surface! 

Every instrument and genre of music from countries all over the world are represented in this extraordinary museum.  There’s even a small clay drum dated 1500 BC! 

We stood in front of the Steinway piano upon which John Lennon wrote ‘Imagine’, while listening to (and watching) a video of him singing the song. 

There were so many highlights, neither one of us could pick a favorite moment. I can’t wait to go back! 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Purr-fect Fit

A pair of Birkenstocks on the bedroom floor triggered memories of Jasper, when he was a kitten. 

Often he’d curl up in a single sandal – sometimes ready to play; other times, just for a nap. 

The memory still brings a smile, so I reached for pencil and paper to capture that dreamlike moment with a quick sketch. 

“Purr-fect Fit”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, 5” x 7”, Graphite Pencil. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Shadow Self

Spent part of the morning walking in our yard with a young raven who stopped by. 

S/he seemed interested in checking out the locale (and, while she didn’t come right out and say it, I got the impression the pros & cons of making a nest were seriously being considered).  She  casually strolled across the front yard, and made her way around the entire perimeter of the property, before coming into the backyard.  Raven led the way…I merely followed. 

When our neighbor, Chuck, came over to say ‘hello’, she hopped onto a tree branch and waited patiently until we’d finished our conversation. 

At that point, she and I resumed our walk – enjoying the sunshine on our backs, and reflecting on the shadows we cast upon the ground, amongst other deep subjects. 

Old friends, we parted with a promise to catch up again soon. 

“Shadow Self”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, 5” x 7”, Acrylic on stretched canvas. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Just Another Bozo

April Fool’s Day – getting in touch with my inner bozo (like I need a special day for that, right?). 

Another (ahem!) artistic entry for my ‘Just Another Bozo’ series (inspiration from Firesign Theatre’s ‘I Think We’re All Bozos On This Bus’ album from 1971). 

Continuous line drawing, with color added afterward…the only intention, to kick back and have fun!   

“Just Another Bozo,”  © 2013 Cathy Gazda, Pencil and Metallic Acrylic Paint. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Lily

A time of ‘holi-days’ for many friends. 

Whether you celebrate ‘Passover/Pesach’, ‘Nowruz/Norouz’, the ‘Return of the Sun’, the ‘Return of the Son’, ‘Ishtar, Goddess of Fertility’ (with all the ‘Bunny/Egg-shaped chocolate symbols), or ‘None of the Above’, I wish you a joy-filled and peaceful day. 

May we all be liberated, renewed and reawakened in ways that rejuvenate and transform our lives. 

“Easter Lily”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, 7” x 5”, Watercolor. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Calling The Moon

The moon ‘wanted more of my night’ (hat tip to line from Dar Williams’ song ‘Calling The Moon’). 
No matter how much I tried to go back to sleep, her pull eventually brought me to the window.  Crickets and other night creatures were a-buzz in a chorus of ‘Brava!’ while the moon took center stage.  The more my eyes adjusted, I could even see a few stars in the sky…in supporting roles. 
The last verse of Dar Williams’ song kept playing over and over, in my mind: 
“Calling the moon,
'Cause I know what it's worth,
To tug at the seas and illumine the earth,
Oh, I am calling the moon, Oh, I am calling the moon.”    

“Calling The Moon”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, 7” x 5”, Acrylic on canvas panel. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Equality For All

Love.  Marriage.  Equality.
California's Proposition 8, known simply as Prop 8, was a California ballot referendum item passed in November 2008 that banned same-sex marriage. 

This week, a landmark hearing to overturn Prop 8 is before the Supreme Court.  In 2013, it’s hard to believe there are still folks who believe that ‘some people’ are more equal than ‘others’.

Equal rights for all…it’s just that simple.  
“Equality For All”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, 7” x 5”, Acrylic on canvas panel. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Filaree - erodium cicutarium

Added some wild-harvested filaree (erodium cicutarium) to our mustard and quinoa greens for lunch today. 

Lightly sauté in a little olive oil and garlic with a splash of balsamic vinegar, toss with some chopped, baked sweet potatoes…mmm, mmm, good!!! 

“Filaree”, © Cathy Gazda, 10” x 8”, Watercolor and pen. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Hanging Out

This handsome fellow was in the car parked next to me when I came out of our local post office.

As I approached my vehicle, I could see his tail start to wag...then, his enormous head poked through the open window. 

He seemed to be begging for a scratch behind the ear; however, I explained that I'd need permission from his human first. 

In the meantime, we had a lovely conversation, (even if he was a little distracted every time the door of the post office opened).  

"Hanging Out", © Cathy Gazda, 7” x 5”, Graphite Sketch.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Spring Equinox:  As we move toward longer daylight hours, today we are literally midway between the sun being at its lowest point (Dec. 21) and its highest (June 21) -- equally balanced between light and dark.

The seasonal wheel heralds the rebirth of life as green buds swell on branches and leafy shoots poke up through the soil. 

This daffodil turns its trumpet towards the sun, joyfully promising that light will prevail. 

As thoughts turn to gardening and planting seeds into the soil, it’s a wonderful invitation to rebalance ourselves and envision the dreams and goals we wish to ‘seed and grow’ into our lives.  

In whatever way you bring more light into the world, I join in holding space for that vision.

“Spring!”, © 2013 Cathy Gazda, 5” x 5”, Acrylic on stretched canvas.  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Give and Receive...Pay It Forward

Kindness of strangers transforming moment from last night: 

After a long day of errands (Sedona, Camp Verde, Cottonwood, Cornville), I was ‘one of the many’ standing in line to cash-out at Safeway.  I noticed the woman in front of me had two Synergy Raw Organic Kombucha drinks amongst her items, so I leaned over and asked where she had found them (Raw Kombucha in Safeway? Yes, in the refrigerated section by the organic produce!).  I thanked her and made a note to check it out another time. 

As she was collecting her bags to leave, she reached back and handed me one of her drinks, saying ‘I have two…I want you to have this one.’  I’m so grateful to this kind woman, whose name I do not know – her gesture completely energized and lifted my spirits (and refreshed my weary body)! 

Image is of a lenticular artwork I created in 2006, called ‘Give and Receive’…and seemed apropos. 

Life is a continuous cycle of give and receive…and paying it forward. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Here!

To borrow from my friend, George Breed: “Happy New Here!” 

The past and the future can be very seductive at times, so I especially enjoyed George’s welcoming reminder to ‘Be Here Now’ (thank you, Ram Dass). 

Right here, right now…I wish you all ‘Happy New Here’. 

May this moment be full of whatever brings joy, peace and promise to your heart and soul. 

The photo is of a sculpture I did 10 years ago, called “The Promise of Peace”, © 2003 Cathy Gazda.